7 days Yoga Course for Beginners 
In this 7-day course, we will give, together, the first steps on your journey into the yoga asanas/postures practice.
In each class I will share with you some of the basic asanas to start practicing. They look simple but they are the foundation of the Practice of Yoga Asanas. “Without a firm foundation a building can’t stand” – Iyengar in Light of Yoga.
With these 7 classes, I will give you part of the Yoga Bible I wrote in India when I was studying with different teachers and reading traditional yoga books. This Bible has my notes about yoga and the asanas I am showing in the videos. You will better understand the philosophy behind yoga and the practice of this specific asanas.
I know this group of 7 classes will help you to believe that you can practice yoga and receive all the benefits of this wonderful philosophy of life.

 Once you purchase the course its free you can just donate as you wish then you will get one pdf about course and 7 yoga class video

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7 days Yoga Course for beginners

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